Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentine's Eve Special?

Love is unexplainable and don’t expect me to explain that for you. Once a guy asked me to define Friendship and I had to say him words of a poet


            “Friendship is one which doesn’t need to be expressed. It’s a feeling which you have for each other. The day you think of telling your friend that he is your friend ….. He ceases to be your friend”


I agree with him almost. I have never said to any of my friends that I am your friend and you are my friend or anything like “I love you, I cannot think of life without you ….”.


But I find many lovers who tell each other “I love you, I cannot think of life without you ….” almost daily. I think this is sign of insecurity in their relationship. I feel true Love is never told but realized first.


Are you thinking of ways of expressing your Love to someone by words or deeds? Then its not Love. I don’t know exactly what Love is but I can say what is not Love!


The greatest thing that has happened to this world is Love. Love is that which runs the world. The Hero is Moulin Rouge says


            “Love is life …. Love is like oxygen. It lifts you. It keeps us alive “……..


But is there true love in world? This question itself is wrong as Love is always true. But in this modern urban life Love which is defined as that which blossoms between a man and woman ....I don’t find true Love but Love as a opportunity to survive , fulfill needs, and ….


People run after money and forget the ultimate goal. Once there was a offer for a Television. They were offering mp3 player for free with the Television. The mp3 player offered was very cute and many bought the Television for the free mp3 player they got.


After few months they realized that the television is not worth and caused lot of trouble but the mp3 player worked well. Many things in life are like this. We set out with a main aim and atlast achieve all other things other than the main aim.


Love is also something like that. People set out to find their true Love. But they have their own reservations like she/he should be working, should have assets…….., After filtering with all their conditions and getting married to her they realize that they don’t have true Love for each other.


Many families work this way here. A arrangement to suit parents needs especially their social status. Love and Marriage is not business which it has become now. Marriage has now been thought of a way to make money. Man created this money and is running after it always. Let God save us all?


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