Thursday, February 09, 2006

Getting Married !

We do have discussions. Some become debate. What do people do when they don’t have work. People chat . One of the good discussions we had in your workplace is here.


Boy1 :

Finally my friend is getting married. The whole processes started about 1 year ago, by posting add in Matrimonial column in TOI. He was looking happy as if his details would come on Times Magazine Front-page. Anyways, pile of Bio-datas came and sorting algorithm applied. Final Results were googled and their family-history charts were prepared.


Now crucial time, when our hero has to meet heroine. I remember, he was nervous. Cautious about his dressJ. Should he wear formal or look like cool-dude? Where should he meet? Girl was also working as s/w engg. in b’lore. So may be at KFC, McD or Café Coffee Day or Barista or may b some movie or may be park….

But park will look little awkward. They are meant for either families or dating couples.

“Oh Come on!! It’s not a date, he screamed at me. “Yeah, Parental syndrome, attack every eligible bachelor at 24-25”, I thought J


What should he ask her? I suggested, education background.

“I am not going to hire her in my company”, he yelled


He made basic questionnaires

1.      How much time do you spend on watching K series serials? ( he wanted to know if she like AXN or not?)..basic question..i think…yes

2.      What kinda movies you like? ( action or melodramatic?)

3.      How do u handle impossible people? ( I am not sure, why he asked?)…….etc etc



He went to his first date-arranged-by-parents. Then couple of more in coming weeks. Last day, I got his e-wedding card, in pdf format. Not sure if these questions helped him or not. But I am happy that he is entering into new phase of life. I hope he got right partner his so-called “SELECTION PROCEDURE” . JJ


What will I ask? ….. I have list readyJJ what about u??


P.S No offense meant.



Girl 1 :


If all the guys are going to ask the same questions, its surely going to be damn boring for the gals.....

U could probably create a committee and conduct an exam instead!!! Exam location - may be at KFC, McD or Café Coffee Day or Barista or may b some movie or may be park….    :-)


 P. S: I am no representative of the gals.. I have answered my questions successfully !!



Boy 1 :

My list … ( Solely depends on my observations..might b wrong…)


1.      ' What qualities you want  your groom must have?

Answer depends upon person 2 person. But if she says Trust, faith and all crap. It may b fake. Lots of tutorials available J.. only answer accepted is Practical


2.      How you view life? ( you can know how intellectual she actually is)

Best answer will b “LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL” n  if she says LIFE SUCKS, means she works for call centerJJ


3.      What will u choose if given a choice, companionship or love if given a choice to choose only one? ( Again answer depends on P2P)

4.      fav color…well that’s can b lots of informative… beware of redJ then…obviously pink

5.      fav actor, if SRK, RUN….second choice will be John Abraham( you then start looking at your lean bodyL)

6.      hobbies?? I like cooking, music n reading…( most of the girls say in same order too… as if they cram this answer)

7.      ask her blog’s link? ( if she ask, what is blog? Say Bye)

8.       how frequently does she chat? ( 2-5 times in a week is average)

9.       Boy friends?? ( mostly will say..chchheeeee)

10.   late night movie/dinner( parents will say no)

11.   Then ice cream… Chocolate… ( pls have some unique choiceL)



Can add more…??


P.S No offense meant…. ( afraid of Naari-shaktiJJJ)


Boy 2 :


Couple of practical exams


(1)   Withdraw money from an ATM within 20 sec

(2)   Open lid of the pickle jar within 5 sec

(3)   Dress up for an unplanned party within 10 min



No offence meant ( same as Mayank – afraid of Mahila Mandal )



Boy 3:

Do you like me ? (Basic question )  (Hope she says YES )

1.                  How much money do you want every month for shopping ?

2.                  My pay varies every month (CPI,VCPI,IPI..) Will you be able to cope up with that ?

3.                  Do you like going to US ? I hate it (bcos I don’t have any onsite J )

4.                  Do you know singing/dancing ? ( pls..don’t show your skills after marriage J )

5.                  Do you know martial arts ? ( Hope she says NO)

Boy 4:


These days when you are not the sole bread earner (North Indians read as roti/parantha/dal/sabzee earner and South Indians read as rice/idly/vada/dosa earner) Qs 2 to 4 dont have any importance

Answers 2 to 4 would be like

Ans to 2: How much do you want? You tell me and I will decide how much can I shop based on that

Ans to 3: I have a fixed compensation at my company unlike yours where you are always in deficit

Ans to 4: Dont worry I hold a H-1 you can apply for H-4 if you also want to come along. But do you know how to switch on dishwasher, washing machine, vacuum the carpet and drive a car?



Boy 5 :


  1. Do you like me ? (Basic question )  (Hope she says YES ) – Am I supposed to?
  2. How much money do you want every month for shopping ? – How much can u afford?
  3. My pay varies every month. Will you be able to cope up with that ?  - why don’t u get a better job?
  4. Do you like going to US ? I hate it (bcos I don’t have any onsite J )  - not with you!
  5. Do you know singing/dancing ? ( pls..don’t show your skills after marriage J )  - I’ll make u sing & dance once we tie the knot.
  6. Do you know martial arts ? ( Hope she says NO)  -  are u afraid of me already?



Boy 6 :


Hey what about these???


  1. can I have your blood report for HIv, since our future is at stake
  2. can I have your previous boyfriend’s phone no. coz I don’t want haunting calls at night
  3. can I have ur sister’s and cousin’s phone no, so that I have a back-up incase u run away
  4. shall we sign a pre-nuptial stating that when we separate you will not ask for alimony


Girl 2:


Hmmnn…if these are the questions then I guess you better be prepared like this when you do so…





Karthee said...

Dating is not common here. My friend recently had his first date at the age of 27. But two others were also with them during the date ... his mother and her mother. I think you can understand it. If you dont ... then thats the way it works here. And I think when you are going for the first date everyone is nervous(is it so) and usually should prepeare themselve for right questions and answers.

Anonymous said...

Very comprehensive I must say. The lull before the storm which is marriage. This is as good a guide as Salaam Namaste for marriage.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the above. Wrong button pressed.

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