Friday, August 12, 2005

Aug 15

Life has come to a place where we have chose between choices and I have made really bad choices in the past which has badly affected me. Again I dont know whether it has badly affected which is a relative term and there is always a other side. I mean "road not taken". Anyhow life is great and I feel happy for whatever happened.

Now its time to make a decision whether I am going to stay in my company or not. I am in that part of my career where I am bored of the work that I do which I was struggling to do some 12 months back.I learnt a lot of things from this company. true I like the people in this company but not the work. they cant also help it as thats the only work available here.

Now now I am at a place where I am a big guy in the company i have regnition from everyone in this company and they want me to travel onsite. Now the problem is that I dont have patience. There are no big projects at present. I dont see any new project coming in the near future.

But ya there may be a cool project which is in the pipeline. But I am not ready to wait. because I am not sure whether I will land in the right project. Future is not clear but present is clear.

Anyway I am going to attend interview for another company. I think I will probably get placed there and lets think after getting placed in that.

You may ask why ? "You should always be prepared to leave ur company" Ya till last year I was doing just the job that they wanted me to do. I learned a lot and afterwards got bored with that. But with this interviews it has become more interesting. I started to learn Technically many things and stared to learn.

I see myself becoming confident of my technical ability nowadays. I think this is taking my life to a new interesting level. I like it and I think this will improve me. So I have decided to learn things outside my company and lets develop ourselves for bigger challenges.

Ya Interviews and this job search is what is making my life interesting. which would have been bored by this routine work. I have this inertia problem I cant stop working after friday evening and I dont want to go to work on monday morning. I think the latter is normal while the former is not. I can do this obring thing innlife for even 2 days.

So I have decided to improve myself and the motivation would be the interviews scheduled for me in coming weeks. Lets get placed and then think about either moving or not.

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