Friday, July 29, 2005

Freedom Fighters or Terrorist

The below letter was a Forward I received. Though FWs are like advise in software industry.the come in free and in large Quantity.But this one was different.I had a lot of Questions after that and started to realise how great gandhiji is.The FW is as follows.

I'm sending this letter to the British people and in particular to the residents of London. For a period of hours, you have lived through moments of desperate anxiety and horror. In those hours you lost a member of your family or a friend, and we wish to tell you in total honesty that we too grieve when human lives pass away. I cannot tell you how much we hurt when we see desperation and pain on the face of another person. For we have lived through this situation - and continue to live through it every day - since your country and the United States formed an alliance and laid plans to attack Iraq.

The Prime Minister of your country, Tony Blair, said that those who carried out the explosions did so in the name of Islam. The Secretary of State of the United States, Condaleezza Rice, described the bombings as an act of barbarism. The United Nations Security Council met and unanimously condemned the event.

I would like to ask you, the free British people, to allow me to inquire: in whose name was our country blockaded for 12 years? In whose name were our cities bombed using internationally prohibited weapons? In whose name did the British army kill Iraqis and torture them? Was that in your name? Or in the name of religion? Or humanity? Or freedom? Or democracy?

What do you call the killing of more than two million children? What do you call the pollution of the soil and the water with depleted uranium and other lethal substances?

What do you call what happened in the prisons in Iraq - in Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca and the many other prison camps? What do you call the torture of men, women, and children? What do you call tying bombs to the bodies of prisoners and blowing them apart? What do you call the refinement of methods of torture for use on Iraqi prisoners - such as pulling off limbs, gouging out eyes, putting out cigarettes on their skin, and using cigarette lighters to set fire to the hair on their heads? Does the word "barbaric" adequately describe the behavior of your troops in Iraq?

May we ask why the Security Council did not condemn the massacre in al-Amiriyah and what happened in al-Fallujah, Tal'afar, Sadr City, and an-Najaf? Why does the world watch as our people are killed and tortured and not condemn the crimes being committed against us? Are you human beings and we something less? Do you think that only you can feel pain and we can't? In fact it is we who are most aware of how intense is the pain of the mother who has lost her child, or the father who has lost his family. We know very well how painful it is to lose those you love.

You don't know our martyrs, but we know them. You don't remember them, but we remember them. You don't cry over them, but we cry over them. Have you heard the name of the little girl Hannan Salih Matrud? Or of the boy Ahmad Jabir Karim? Or Sa'id Shabram?

Yes, our dead have names too. They have faces and stories and memories. There was a time when they were among us, laughing and playing. They had dreams, just as you have. They had a tomorrow awaiting them. But today they sleep among us with no tomorrow on which to wake.

We don't hate the British people or the peoples of the world. This war was imposed upon us, but we are now fighting it in defense of our selves. Because we want to live in our home as human being, which the coalition force as not letting us, they take our sisters and mothers when ever they want them, they shoot our fathers and brothers when ever they find fun on them, you know how is the American & British military deals with us, just as dirt, they are not here to liberate us, at least with my simple brain I can understand that, they deal with us as enemies. - We want the free land of Iraq - and to live as we want to live, not as your government or the American government wish.

Let the families of those killed know that responsibility for the Thursday morning London bombings lies with Tony Blair and his policies. Stop your war against our people! Stop the daily killing that your troops commit! End your occupation of our homeland!

Iman al-Saadun

Friday, 8 July 2005.

Mal Harrisu

Following questions arise in my mind.
1. Would gandhiji be called a terrorist if He had failed in our freedom struggle.
2. Would Hitler be hailed as a hero if he won the WorldWar 2.

Guys do send me your comments on this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Once one of my friend was too pandu that he doesnt know many things (important) about life ???????

yes very important things in life.

I thought of enlightening him. Since I was a Biology student in my Higher secondary and was also a

expert? in mugging up the same I had remembered something.

So I started to explain him in the below mails

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack
To: Jill
Subject: RE: I am coming to Bangalore

Let me explain the full complete flow.

The male (ie testes of man )is able to produce lakhs and lakhs of sperms and can do it continuosly ........ really powerfull

And female will be able to pruduce 1 or 2 and record breaking 8 eggs in 28 days.

See the diffrence yar ......... its great really considering u can produce lakhs / minutes.

So the first step is producing the cells for fertilisation.

When they are ready they should be brought in contact ....... because there is no wireless communication in such a process.

Also fertilisation in mammals is just a process of a sperm breaking the ovums(female) wall which the hardest to break ........ I mean really hard. And then the fusion of 23 chromoses of male with 23 of female.

That’s it process completed.

But why do we need 6000 cells u may ask ???????/

Will continue in next mail

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack
To: Jill
Subject: RE: I am coming to Bangalore

Ok coming back to where I left ............................

This fertilisation process can be compared to a helen of troy story.

Helen is the ovum cell which is present inside protected behind the great walls of troy ..........

But here the difference is helen is a product of troy.

Now lets get into the war .

For the war a single hero is not enough but a single heroine (women) is enough to create a war .....

Now that the soldiers are ready ... these soldiers must be transported to the vaginal tract ........ this is what u do with lot of fuss ..........

Transportation is what we know as the intercourse ...........

But many doesn’t know that we have just transported and the war is yet to begin...........

Now where does this war happen ...............

In the uterus ........... uterus is a bulk portion ........ Its in the centre of a canal whos one end is vaginal canal through which our heros enter and the other end of the canal is the ovary ....... where ovum is generated ............

And again this war cannot happen at any time ..........
Sorry in other words there is a probabality of winning the heroine only if the heroine is present.........

There lies the biggest trick .................

Herione is avilable only during particular days and heroes should attack during those days .......

Yes durin the mestural cycle ........... first five das ovum is just produced and not ready for fertilisation .............. so no use of ur strength ......... Ur attack will be of no use .......

(Female will also be not happy when u do on these days)

Again last 5 days of peak ....... i.e from 20 to 25 th day .........

The ovum is fertile and is vulnarable for attack ...............

What about 26 - 28 th days ......... (this is when the ovum which is not fertilised will be destroyed and will result in bleeding ) .....

So if u attack during this period ........ u willl be severily attacked by disease ........ No heroes for a year untill treated by doctor.

So when the attack happens at the right time ...............

20 th to 25 th day of mens tural cycle .........

Wil continue

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 2:41 PM
To: Jill
Subject: RE: I am coming to Bangalore

SO we know when we can attack ....

Where we can attack and

Next important thing is one hero cannot break this great wall ......... but many men effort is required ...........

But only one man will succeed..........

So it’s a totally unfair war ........... where lakhs of people fight equally for one destiny but still only on attain the glory ..........

Lets see the real war ..........

As the sperm enters the vaginal tract .... it knows the direction it has to move .....(I have no idea why it moves towards ovum) ...........

I think its random motion and those men who travel wrongly ................

Ok so as the sperm strike the canal ......... ( little correction ........ actually when u feel the great joy of releasing ur soldiers ..... same way the heroine is also release at the same time .............)

So both reach the uterus .......... where fight begins .............

All the heroes strike from all directions to destryo the wall and enter in...........

And the hero who enter in first is the real hero .......... and all other heros die..........

What a pity one mans dream is other men's death ...........

Yes this is how the war ends ..................

So to break tis wall u need atleast 6000 heroes .................

So now u got the point .

Heroes here in the sense ..... he must be strong ..... mobile .....

Everything .. so 6000 heroes to break a wall ..............

Again the after war events will decide whether the war was successful ...........

For that u should do nothing .................. actually nothing .......

If u try to do something it may spoil the party .......

--end of mails--

this was his big reply for all the mails

-----Original Message-----
From: Jill
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 2:41 PM
To: Jack
Subject: RE: I am coming to Bangalore

Mega serials are never more successful than short and crisp ones.
See you should have realized that.

--end of mail --

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